Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
John was fond of referring to his audience as “little children.” It is clearly a term of endearment. In addition, it is a clear indication that John had a close and deeply pastoral relationship with those to whom he was writing. It is interesting to see his kind, personal address combined with his rather direct instruction regarding a change of behavior. John loved his Christian brothers and sisters so much that he was willing to talk straight with them about the way in which they should live out their faith. There is no shortage of opportunity for us to live out our faith in our present world. In fact, if John were with us today, he might say something like this, “Little children, let us not simply attend church services, but let us show the love of Christ to others by getting involved in serving others.” There is ample choice for service right here at West Metro. If you are wondering what in the world you might do in order to show the love of Christ to others, here is a good place to start: look on the back of this bulletin at the list of deacons. Contact one (or more!) of them and ask what it is that you might do to help them. There is always more service to be done than there are servants to do it. It is good that we are here together celebrating the greatness of our God. But we must also be a people who imitate God in our love for others. The only way in which we can do that is through service. Find something to do in the name of Christ, and then do it.