In this final quarter of the year, our theme is, “Growing Deeper in Engaging our Community.” In other words, the sermons and classes will focus on being the people of God in our neighborhood, and serving those around us who may not be exactly like us in beliefs or in background.

 Sunday Morning – After service

Scattered Church: Living Christ in a Hostile World. Keith Lyda and Ricky will work through the
books of James and 1 and 2 Peter, each of which was written to dispersed Christians—
ancient brothers and sisters who were living life in unfamiliar and often unfriendly territory.
We will hear from James and Peter what our calling is: to be the people of God in every
circumstance, and to be agents of God’s mission in our world.

Hosea: Jay Estes will teach this class focused on the ancient prophet Hosea and his task to
call Israel back from their rejection of God and their failure to enter into the work God intended
for them. In Hosea’s time, Israel ceased being a light to one another and to the world.
Hosea’s personal story and prophetic messages are timeless. There is much for us to learn
from this powerful book regarding our call to God’s mission today.

Chaos: Led by Lance Holland, this class is for young families and will continue for the remainder of the year.

Ladies’ Class: We will be studying how to have better, clearer, and more consistent
communication with God. We are using Priscilla Shirer’s book, Discerning the Voice of God: How
to Recognize When God Speaks. Donna Atkins, Jane Law, Kim MacColeman, and Angie Purvine
are teaching. Also, owning the book is not a requirement. But if you would like a copy, it is available
at both Amazon and Lifeway.

Wednesday Night – 6:00 p.m.

The Gospel of Luke: Encountering the Community Like Jesus Did

In each of the gospels we read the story of Jesus. Luke’s gospel, however, places particular emphasis
on the downtrodden and marginalized in the ancient world. In this class, Ricky will guide us through
Luke, paying special attention to the example that Jesus set for us to show his love and his grace to
everyone around us.





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