
Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Today and next Sunday we change course from 1 John sermons to focus on what scripture says about shepherds. Several weeks back we began the process of looking for men to take up the responsibility of being shepherds at West Metro. Over the years, we have had some outstanding men serve in this capacity. To this day, we continue to have outstanding men serving in this capacity. What we are looking for is a few more men who are equipped for that role.
Sometimes in such a process we wonder what we can do to participate. Often we do not see ourselves as scriptural experts, so we struggle to determine how we might take part in that way. Often, too, we are at a loss as to how best to go about recognizing men who are prepared for this great responsibility, so we tend to shy away from contributing in that way as well. Neither of these circumstances is unusual or uncommon. But there is certainly something that each of us is easily able to do:

Pray for our current shepherds. Pray that they have wisdom, discernment, and pray for their health and well-being. Pray for West Metro in this time of transition. Pray for the men whom God is preparing for this role (even though we do not yet know who they are), whether their time to serve is now or in the future. Pray that we will be patient and prudent, for this is a serious business.


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