New Classes Begin

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way,
and when you lie down, and when you rise.

Today marks the beginning of a new adult Sunday School quarter. This means that there are new opportunities for learning and growth for all of us. For adults, Keith Lyda continues his excellent study of the Book of Acts. His class gives us a chance to look at the activities of the early church—our ancient brothers and sisters.

In addition, Tim Denney begins a class today on the “Names of God.” Tim taught this class recently to our high school students, and now he is bringing it to the adults. God is known by many, many descriptive names, each of which tells us something about God’s character. This will be a great class.

Our ladies’ class continues its study of the Book of Isaiah, while the men’s class starts a discussion of the book, Muscle and a Shovel.

For our children, we continue to offer opportunities for learning and spiritual growth. Whether it is our babies, or ‘Sword Training’ for our two-year-olds through fifth grade, or it is our middle- and high-school kids, there is something for everyone in Sunday School. When it comes to spiritual growth and development, everyone has a place here.

I encourage everyone to find a class to attend. Also, I encourage all parents to find a class for your children to attend. There is something for everyone. This is a wonderful opportunity to dig deeper into God’s word, and to better equip ourselves—and our children!—for life.


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