Liar? Lunatic? Lord?

In Mark 8:27, Jesus and the disciples had
left Bethsaida and were on their way to Caesarea
Philippi and environs. While traveling, Jesus
proceeded to ask the disciples an interesting
question, “Who do people say I am?” Personally, I
think Jesus already knew how he was perceived
by the populace. Yet he patiently listened to their
responses: “John the Baptist,” or “Elijah,” or “one
of the prophets,” they said. His primary interest,
however, was not whatever answer his
companions gave to this first question. This first
question was introductory. It was leading to
something infinitely more important. It was simply
preparation for the next question—a question that
would both challenge and confound these
followers for the remainder of their earthly time
with Jesus. Jesus wanted above all to know what
they, his chosen ones, thought of him. He wanted
to hear them confess what was in their hearts.
The religious leaders of the day—as well
as the regular folks—perceived of Jesus in
various ways. Some believed. Some did not.
Some thought him a great teacher. Some thought
him insane. Some saw him as the restorer of
Israel. Some saw him as a charlatan. Some risked
everything to follow him. Some sought to destroy
It was C. S. Lewis who in the mid-20th
century famously framed an important question
about Jesus: Who—or what—do we truly think
Jesus is? Lewis argued that if we claim to believe
in Jesus, then we must believe fully in him. There
is no partial belief; no partial commitment. In other
words, we either take Jesus at his word, or we
reject him as so many others have done. When it
comes to Jesus, “you must make your choice,”
Lewis wrote. He was exactly right. We must make
our choice.
In your heart and mine, then, what is
Jesus? Is he liar, is he lunatic, or is he Lord?
Starting today we begin a new quarter for
adult classes.
No Other Gods: The ladies’ class will
continue their study using Kelly Minter’s
book. The focus is on how to rid ourselves
of anything—whether it be relationships,
things, or ideas—that may function as a
“god” in our lives.
The Sermon on the Mount: Paul Ellison will
lead a class on these great teachings of
Jesus. Jesus shows us who to be and how
to live out a kingdom ethic. As followers of
Christ, we do well to meditate carefully
upon and act out the lessons in the
Sermon on the Mount.
Walking the Walk: Ricky will use the letters
of the apostle Paul to teach about practical
Christian living. The apostle is well known
for expressing deep theological insights
and then illuminating for us what those
insights look like in real life, daily living.
Wednesday (begins April 6)
The Call to Wisdom: Eight of our men will
take turns teaching from the Proverbs.
Chocked full of life lessons and the wisdom
of our great God, we will each be
challenged and better prepared by the
inspired words of Solomon.

–Tuesday, April 5, from 4:00 – 7:00 Austin
will be hosting a youth carnival at the
building. Please RSVP to Austin today if
you and your teen will be attending.
–Impact Junior for 6th – 8th graders is June
17-20 and Impact Senior for 9th – 12th
graders is June 20-25. You can find the
registration form and more information on
the youth website under the calendar
tab (
Brad Lister is coordinating a hiking trip for
Saturday, April 16, from 3:00 – 5:00 at Pine
Mountain in Cartersville. This event is open
to all guys, middle school age to 99+. Meet
at Pine Mountain or ride together from the
building (leaving at 2:15). A sign-up sheet
and maps are located in the message
A ladies’ luncheon is scheduled for
Tuesday, April 12, at 11:30 at Gabriel’s in
Marietta. Please let Peggy Robertson or
Betty Lister know if you plan to attend.
We will recognize our graduates on
Sunday, May 15, during worship and with a
luncheon after Bible class.
Long term prayer requests: Julia Ashby,
Marilyn Buttram, Jane Clark, Loran and
Marilyn Crowe, Kelsey Denney, Peggy
Ellison, Rikki Hagerty, Elizabeth Hamm,
Bill Harris, Jane Ream, and Eric Tabor.
The annual Men’s Retreat is scheduled for
October 7-9 at a new facility in
Chattanooga, TN.
The Ladies’ Retreat will be held at Banning
Mills in Whitesburg, GA on October 14-15.
We’ve missed so many wonderful events
the past two years due to Covid. One such
event is our annual Ladies’ Tea. It’s back!
Plan to join us Sunday, May 22, during
Bible class for breakfast, a devotional, and
to recognize our newest members.
Summer camp is scheduled for July 13-17
at Woodland Christian Camp in Temple for
ages 8-18. Applications and flyers are
available online at our church website and
in the foyer. Invite your friends and family!
An information sheet regarding plans for a
mission trip this summer to Trujillo,
Honduras is located in the foyer. See Jack
Vanderpool if you have any questions.
Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD from the heavens

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