According to the internet (which is never
wrong, of course), the sharpest edges in the
world are made from obsidian. Obsidian is not
a type of metal. Rather, it is a substance
formed from molten volcanic magma. Here is
how it works: when molten magma cools very
quickly, instead of crystallizing, it turns into
obsidian. The result is a dark, glass-like
material. It is often black in appearance, but it
also can be green or various shades of brown.
When not pure, it can take on any number of
other colors, depending upon what elements
are present (though this is rare).
One expert asserts that obsidian is
anywhere from 50 to 500 times sharper than
surgical steel (!). In fact, he goes on to say
that it is capable of actually slicing between
skin cells, therefore leaving no scarring. To be
blunt, this completely blows my mind. How
can something be that sharp?
Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “The word of God is
living and active, sharper than any two-edged
sword, piercing to the division of soul and of
spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning
the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” I do
not know if the writer of Hebrews had any
knowledge about the sharpness of obsidian.
What I do know, however, is that the writer
understood the supremacy of the word of
God. Whatever God speaks, or whatever is
written that is an inspired word from God, is
razor sharp. The word of God carries within it
the capability to transform our lives. It does
surgery on our lives—mental, emotional,
attitudinal, behavioral, and spiritual. It is far
sharper than anything else we might
experience or imagine.
Even obsidian.