Do you ever forget about God?

“I will mediate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways. I will delight in your statues; I will not forget your word.”
Ps 119:15-16

I tend to forget things. I can’t count the times I have driven into Hiram from Rockmart all the sudden to realize I don’t have my wallet. I’ve locked my keys in my car an embarrassing amount of times. Or worse – I’ll forget promises I made to someone to only remember two seconds before I am meant to fulfill my obligations. Has any of this ever happened to you? Forgetting is a pretty universal trait among all us humans. But let’s take it a step further – into the spiritual realm of life. Do you ever forget about God? I know it sounds silly but think about it. I think we daily forget him to the extent where its normal. Its normal to the point where it becomes a lifestyle of “thinking of God afterwards.” Only considering him as a part in our plans after we’ve made the decision. God laments over Israel for forgetting him in Jeremiah 18:15, as it led to them making false idols and following after them instead. Let us not make idols out of our freedom of choice. Our life is not our own. Let’s recommit to thinking about God and his will for us every morning (Ps 1:1-2).


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