
The ‘O’ Word

Mentoring is a multi-phase process. Although described in different ways by different people, each description of the process illustrates the essential steps for developing someone from being a follower into becoming a mentor. According to one description, the steps go like this: 1) I do, you watch; 2) I do, you help; 3) You do,…

A Different Sort of King

If I asked the question, “Who is the greatest earthly king ever?” I would likely get a range of responses. Biblically, most of us would think of David. Outside of Scripture, however, there are any number of kings who might come to mind. In Christendom (which would exclude David), many believe Charlemagne to be the…

….Your Will Be Done

Naturally, my parents were the primary authority figures in my early life. Truthfully, they still hold that place of honor and respect, even today. Outside of them, the chief authority figures for me in my formative years were coaches. In particular, I had one coach who was the epitome of authority, but not necessarily for…


Pretty much every summer of my high school and college years, I worked construction jobs. Over the years, we built all kinds of things: a bank, a massive house, a family life center for a church, and more. Also, there were times when a small group of us—sometimes only two of us—were tasked with smaller…