Posts from July 2024

Saints and Members

God saved us through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He rescued us from the darkness of sin—and certain destruction—by the power of the blood of his Son. He released us through Jesus from the prison that would otherwise have kept us in captivity. To quote King David, albeit in reference to a different circumstance, “Such…

This Is Us

God created his people to live together in harmony. This does not mean that we will always think alike, act alike, or even believe everything alike. Harmony does require mutual understanding and a shared belief, of course. But it does not necessarily insist upon us being automatons—people who are exactly alike in every way, from…

Who and Why

It is a place where we can feel at home. It is a place where we are accepted and understood, even when we are not at our best. It is a place where we are free to share our victories and our defeats. It is a place where we are able to confidently and fully…