Posts from April 2024

By the Power of His Word

Rock, fortress, deliverer, rescuer, shield, horn of salvation, and stronghold (rock2, actually, since the psalmist—I am looking at Psalm 18 right now, by the way—twice describes God as his rock). God is the source of our deliverance, and he is the author of our hope. God is protector of the innocent, healer of the wounded,…

Knowing God

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. I heard a statement this past week that stuck with me. It went like this, “Words are the bullets in truth’s bandolier. And poets are the snipers.” I am not entirely…

(Not) Just Words

Over 50 years ago, Tim LaHaye published Spirit-Controlled Temperament (which I highly recommend). In it, he outlines four basic temperaments: warm and fun-loving (sanguine); hot, active, strong-willed (choleric); analytical, gifted, sensitive (melancholy); calm, cool, easygoing, well-balanced (phlegmatic). The identification of these four basic temperaments is nothing new. In fact, as LaHaye states, these four were…


They can be helpful, kind, true, encouraging, uplifting, cheerful, supportive, hopeful, generous, lavish, beneficial, valuable, proper, holy, wholesome, constructive, useful, profitable, practical, positive, good, praiseworthy, soothing, honorable, honest, excellent, healing, peaceful, instructive, stimulating, thought- provoking, bold, visionary, fervent, stirring, well-timed, fitting, appropriate, friendly, gentle, and inviting. They also can be harmful, hateful, vicious, indecorous, vulgar,…