Posts from March 2023


Terminal language is a common part of human vernacular, at least in my experience in the English-speaking world. Children use it all the time (see what I did there?). “She never gets in trouble!” “Nobody likes me.” “You take his side every time!” But terminal language is not reserved only for children and their perceived…

In Hot Pursuit

“I never made a mistake in my life. I thought I did once, but I was wrong.” This Charles Schultz quote has appeared in many places and in many forms over the years. It is clever and it is provocative, as are most good quotes. In just a few words, Schultz drives at the heart…

What If?

On Sunday mornings I leave very early. I like (need) some time to get my head together, and to go over what is planned for that day. I think this is normal for preachers—at least the ones I know. I recall a specific time several years ago when I left my house early on Sunday—as…

More and More

Paul had ample reason to commend the church in Thessalonica. They clearly were getting some things right. Of course, just like any other church in any other time or place, the brothers and sisters in ancient Thessalonica were not perfect. They certainly had their issues (some of which Paul alludes to in both 1 and…