Posts from February 2022

Test Anxiety

Most of you reading this know that I was fortunate enough to be able to complete a second degree a few years ago (woot!). Throughout that process, I gleaned a wealth of information while also improving my critical thinking skills. My mental acuity was put to the test, and (I like to think) it was…

A Better Sense of Great

I follow collegiate wrestling fairly closely. In particular, I enjoy watching Big 10 dual meets and tournaments. Just as the SEC is the pinnacle of college football (though some may argue otherwise), the Big 10 is the pinnacle of college wrestling (though some may argue otherwise). As far as consistent greatness is concerned, Penn State…

The Right Thing

I am a relatively handy person—emphasis on “relatively.” There are many things I can install, replace, update, fix, repair, build, create, etc. There are many more things, however, that are well beyond my knowledge and capabilities. The latter I have learned the hard way, unfortunately. Many a time in the past I have gritted my…

Truth, Hope, Relief

Truth, Hope, Relief It is in John’s gospel that we read that Jesus was “full of grace and truth.” John’s words are a powerfully succinct description of the Savior. Paul expands that thought in Colossians 1:19, affirming for us that the very fullness of God dwelled in Jesus Christ. Jesus was—and is!—filled with grace and…