Posts from September 2017

Although it has been 16 years since that day, I remember it vividly.  It was Wednesday, September 12, 2001.  I had walked outside my house midday and noticed that something was strange.  There was something eerie about that beautiful, sunny afternoon.  You see, we live in an area where there is constant sound.  Specifically, there…

“All politics is local”

“All politics is local” is a phrase ascribed to the late Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Tip O’Neill.  It has served for decades now as an important reminder to politicians of their first priority—that is, their first priority is their constituency.  But I am not writing today about politics.  Instead, I am co-opting…

God’s Family

One of the songs that we sing from time to time is, “God’s Family.”  It goes like this, “We’re part of a family/whose love has no end.”  It is a song that simply and powerfully spells out for us a truth that we already know: because we have been saved by Jesus Christ, we enjoy…

We Need to Grow Up

Last week the sermon addressed several things that “we need to” do or be or change or think. Those things ranged from a reevaluation of our notions of personal glory and aggrandizement to realignment of our priorities to reflection upon our salvation to serious consideration of our personal development as followers of Christ to the…