Posts from August 2017

We are Called Out

I have been involved lately in a few conversations that have had to do with what I call “the righteousness of righteousness.” Now I realize that sounds strange, so let me briefly explain. What those conversations ultimately were about is the lengths to which people go in standing upon their own right-ness. It is a…

He is, and we are not

“I am not!” . . . “I am.” It is no accident that we find in the gospels this juxtaposition of opposing declarations, and in virtually the same scene! One says “I AM,” the other proclaims, “I am not.” This is significant because it highlights what is at the very core of the gospel message:…

Freedom is an Eternal Gift

For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. There are things in life about which I am absolutely certain. I know that God loves me, and that his Son paid for my sins. I know that I am forgiven, even though I am far…

Form Over Function

Form over function. Style over substance. These are phrases commonly used to frame what may fairly be described as a failure of priorities. I believe that it is human nature for us to default to formality or ritual when we feel ourselves facing anxiety. When we find that the things we are accustomed to or…