Follow Me

I was barely five months old when Neil
Armstrong walked on the moon (July 21,
1969). It was a HUGE moment not only for
our country, but also for our world. For what it
is worth, I do not remember it. Likely, I was
taking a bottle at the time. Or, maybe I had
moved on to being spoon fed. Like I said, I do
not recall the moment, historical though it
In John 11, another HUGE moment, Jesus
raised the formerly dead Lazarus, calling
Lazarus out from his tomb. Shortly thereafter,
the chief priests were conspiring to put
Lazarus to death. The biblical text even tells
us why—they were incensed that, because of
this miracle, “many of the Jews were going
away and believing in Jesus” (John 12:11).
And rightfully so. Why would a person
NOT follow someone who raises others from
the dead? In fact, why would a human being
not fall in line behind one who has done so
many “great things,” and who has acted
faithfully on every promise that He made?
Why continue to follow fallible, false, and frail
human beings when the Creator of the world
offers opportunity for us to be his disciples?
There is no better offer. In reality, there is no
other offer. Following Jesus is the highest
calling. It is the purpose for which God made
us. It is our raison d’être.
In coming to Jesus in faith and devotion,
we receive the blessing of the Father. “If
anyone serves me, he must follow me; and
where I am, there will my servant be also. If
anyone serves me, the Father will honor him”
(John 12:26).
Wow. Just wow. In following Jesus, we are
honored by God.




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